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ChaltaFarm Milk Powders and Dairy Export Department

Whey protein can be thought of as a concentrated source of protein with an excellent spectrum of amino acids that comes from cow’s milk which contains 20% whey and 80% casein protein. Basically, it’s what’s left of the milk when you remove casein protein, water and some of the fat, as well as the lactose by filtering. The different types of protein differ from each other according to the level of filtration or hydrolysis and the proportion of protein and other components contained. Similarly, the proportion of individual amino acids varies slightly.

There are three basic types of whey protein, depending on the various differences in production and final ingredients profile:

WPC – Whey Protein Concentrate: Some sort of curdling agents, like a rennet or acid, is applied and the solid portion separates from the liquid. Those solid curds are taken away to be made into cheese or casein and the liquid that is left behind becomes your whey. At this point, it is whey concentrate. It is high in complete proteins, but also contains some fat and sugar in the form of lactose but in all the whey proteins, it is usually the most affordable.

WPI – Whey Protein Isolate: Whey isolate is basically produced in the same way as whey concentrate. However, the resulting whey concentrate is further processed through an additional filtration step. Various techniques are used to remove the majority of the fat and sugar from the whey, leaving mostly protein behind. The filtration process also removes a large proportion of lactose.  The extra work that went into these products also means that the cost increases.

​​​Read More: Full Cream Milk Powder, Nutritious and Versatile Dairy Product

chaltafarm whey powder

WPH – Whey Protein Hydrolysate: Overall nutritional value of whey can be improved by enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins and an increase in the functional, technical, physiological, and bioactive properties of its proteins. Upon enzymatic hydrolysis, peptide bonds in a protein are cleaved, new amino groups are formed and one amino group for each broken peptide bond is found. The amount of newly formed amino groups causes a linear increase in amino nitrogen. Whey protein hydrolysates (WPH) are considered to be ideal ingredients in the formulation of human milk substitutes due to their high nutritional value and low antigenicity. Simply put, whey protein hydrolyzed is broken down, making it easier to digest and fuel your muscles faster but It has a distinctive taste that is slightly bitter, which can be unpleasant for some.

To contact the Chaltafarm dairy export department, refer to the contact section.

Which Protein Powder Should You Choose? Whey Concentrate, Isolate or Hydrolysate? - GymBeam Blog

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